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Error Handling

API calls can fail when input data is malformed or the server detects issues with the request. As an example, the following request obviously fails:

List<CompetitionDataFileInquiry>? result = await api.CompetitionListFiles(
competition: "BadCompetitionName"

When a request fails, a KaggleAPIException is thrown.


A very general API error. The message is either (1) parsed from the API response's JSON body or (2) Json deserialization error messages, both with a status code in string format appended. The response is available as a public property.

List<CompetitionDataFileInquiry>? result = await api.CompetitionListFiles(
competition: "BadCompetitionName"
catch (KaggleAPIException e)
/* Permission 'competitions.get' was denied
Status code: 403 Forbidden */
// Prints: Forbidden